Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II equipped with a 16.1 MP LiveMOS Micro Four Thirds sensor, which combines with the powerful TruePic VI image-processing engine creates superior image quality, even up to ISO 25,600. The ultra-precise 5-axis stabilization system offers 5.0 EV steps of compensation performance, delivers sharp, clear stills and video. Olympus om-d e-m5 mk ii user manual. Thank you for purchasing an Olympus digital camera. Before you start to use your new camera. For the latest information, please visit the Olympus website. Instruction Manual DIGITAL CAMERA Model No.: E-M5 II. In this manual, the r and o icons represent operations performed using the front dial. You’ve purchased, or are about to purchase, one of Olympus’s profes- sional-level, mirrorless, interchangeable lens, Micro Four Thirds format cameras: the OM-D E-M5 Mark II. To simplify references to the camera, we’ll use “E-M5II” in the remainder of the book.
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